Maia - Portrait with Hands

Maia - Portrait with Hands TIFF.23

Maia - Portrait with Hands

TIFF.23 - Zilele Filmului Românesc

Section: Zilele Filmului Românesc
Title: Maia - Portret cu mâini
Director: Alexandra Gulea
Cast: Emilia Dobrin, Vava Stefanescu, Alexandra Gulea, Maria Cuzmin, Cuzmin Maria
Duration: 1h 30m
Country: Romania
Language: rup/ro
Year: 2024

Maia was born into a semi-nomadic population facing ethnic cleansing. The director, Maia's granddaughter, has produced a vivid visual reconstruction of her journey through the 20th century. Maia's history blends into the larger History.

At this moment, we do not have any future performances scheduled.

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