Three Kilometres to the End of the World

TIFF.23 - Zilele Filmului Românesc
Three Kilometres to the End of the World TIFF.23

Three Kilometres to the End of the World

TIFF.23 - Zilele Filmului Românesc

Section: Zilele Filmului Românesc
Title: Trei kilometri până la capătul lumii
Director: Emanuel Parvu
Cast: Bogdan Dumitrache, Ciprian Chiujdea, Laura Vasiliu, Ingrid Micu Berescu, Valeriu Andriuta, Adrian Titieni
Duration: 1h 44m
Year: 2024

Adi (17) is spending the summer in his home village in the Danube Delta. One night he is brutally attacked on the street, the next day his world is turned upside-down. His parents no longer look at him as they did, and the seeming tranquility of the village starts to crack.

At this moment, we do not have any future performances scheduled.

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