
Werewolf TIFF.23


TIFF.23 - Full Moon

Section: Full Moon
Title: Llobàs
Director: Pau Calpe
Cast: León Martínez, Yani Collado, Carles Sanjaime , Maria Rodriguez Soto, Pol López
Duration: 1h 44m
Country: Spain
Language: ca
Year: 2023

Adrià is a boy who lives in a village with his older brother. Adrià is mute, can't stand enclosed spaces, and finds it hard to keep his attention when spoken to. Wherever he goes, everyone makes fun of him, insults him, throws stones at him. Adrià has a secret: on full moon nights, he can't sleep and wanders the streets. And he smells blood. And he searches the henhouses. And he catches chickens. And he eats them. Raw.

At this moment, we do not have any future performances scheduled.

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