Vertical Ego x Getchoo @ Casa Tranzit

Vertical Ego x Getchoo @ Casa Tranzit

Vertical Ego x Getchoo @ Casa Tranzit

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Vertical Ego şi Getchoo sunt două trupe tinere de indie rock/rock alternativ care au decis să tragă tare de tot de definiția unui turneu. Cu o legătură indestructibilă născută din dragostea comună pentru distors, versuri personale şi tinnitus, cele două formații şi-au unit bursele pentru o excursie ce străbate foarte puțin din țară.

Vertical Ego: 

Vertical Ego (Vert/Ego) este o trupă de rock alternativ din Cluj-Napoca și sunt activi în această formulă din septembrie 2022. Muzica lor nu poate fi inclusă într-un singur gen; explorează continuu și nu au limite, dar, dacă este necesară o descriere, sunetul și versurile lor sunt în mare parte melodramatice și sincere. Compozițiile sunt inspirate din viața lor de zi cu zi, cu toate emoțiile, poveștile și experiențele lor.

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Getchoo a fost inițial expus underground-ului bucureştean la începutul anului 2023, sub forma unui proiect solo, prin postarea unui EP de bedroom pop produs DIY: "Songs From The Living Room". Înregistrarea acestui EP de unul singur, în sufragerie, a fost rezultatul frustrării lui Victor cu progresul nul al primei lui formații. Abordează teme personale precum maturizarea, depăşirea unor relații nereuşite şi anxietatea cu privire la viitor sub forma unor refrene memorabile. Odată cu venirea a trei noi membri, s-a transformat într-o formație propriu-zisă de indie rock, cu influențe post-punk si power pop. Victor, Daniel, Bucur şi David sunt patru tineri bucureşteni care s-au cunoscut la concerte, prin comunitatea locala de muzicieni.

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Vertical Ego and Getchoo are two young indie rock/alternative rock bands that decided to really stretch the definition of a tour. With an indestructible bond born from the common love for distortion, personal lyrics and tinnitus, the two bands joined their budgets for a trip that crosses very little of the country.

Vertical Ego:

Vertical Ego (Vert/Ego) is a Romanian alternative rock band from Cluj-Napoca and they are active in this current formula since September 2022. Their music can’t be included in just one genre; they are continuously exploring and have no limits, but if a description is needed, their sound and lyrics are mostly melodramatic and sincere. The compositions are inspired from their day-to-day life, with all their emotions, stories and experiences.

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Getchoo was first exposed to the underground in early 2023 as a solo project by posting a DIY bedroom pop EP: "Songs From The Living Room". Recording this EP by himself in his living room was the result of Victor's frustration with his first band's lack of progress. It tackles personal themes such as growing up, overcoming failed relationships and anxiety about the future in the form of memorable choruses. With the arrival of three new members, it turned into a proper indie rock band, with post-punk and power pop influences. Victor, Daniel, Bucur and David are four young people from Bucharest who met at concerts, through the local community of musicians.

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Vertical Ego és Getchoo, két fiatal indie/alternativ rock zenekar, akik úgy döntöttek, hogy a végletekig kitolják a turné fogalmát. Egy elpusztithatatlan kötelékkel, amely a torzítás iránti szenvedélyükből, személyes dalszövegeikből és a fülzúgásból ered, a két együttes összedobta zsebpénzüket és egy olyan kirándulásra indulnak, amely csak egy kis részét járja be az országnak.

Vertical Ego:

Vertical Ego (Vert/Ego) egy kolozsvári alternatív rock zenekar, amely 2022 szeptemberétől aktív a jelenlegi formájában. Zenéjük nem sorolható csupán egyetlen stílusba; folyamatosan kísérleteznek és nem szabnak határokat maguknak, de ha mégis szükséges egy leírás, hangzásviláguk és szövegeik nagy részben melodramatikusak és őszinték. Szerzeményeik inspirációját mindennapi életükből merítik, az összes érzésükkel, történéseikkel és tapasztalataikkal együtt.

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Getchoo eredetileg 2023 elején került ki a bukaresti underground színterére, mint szóló projekt, egy DIY bedroom pop EP ("Songs From The Living Room") közzétételével. Az EP felvétele Victor saját nappalijában történt, ami az első zenekara stagnálásával kapcsolatos frusztrációjából fakadt. Az EP személyes témákat dolgoz fel, mint a felnőtté válás, sikertelen kapcsolatok leküzdése és a jövőbe vetett szorongás, mindez emlékezetes refrének formájában. Három új tag csatlakozásával ez az indie rock zenekar valódi zenekarrá formálódott, post-punk és power pop hatásokkal. Victor, Daniel, Bucur és David négy fiatal bukaresti srác, akik koncerteken és a helyi zenész közösségben ismerkedtek meg egymással.

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