NEVERENDING - International ImpROv Festival

NEVERENDING - International ImpROv Festival Abonament Ziua 4

NEVERENDING - International ImpROv Festival

Abonament Ziua 4

Recul - Reason to stay

This show is based on The Bench format, developed by Menelaos Prokos & Billy Kissa. It is about taking things slow, small details that make the difference, relationships, and experiences. In this show we have two strangers and one bench. Each of them has his own reason to sit there, to wait for something. Also, there is a reason not to leave. While the two strangers get to know each other, the other improvisers are enreaching the hole story by building the two strangers' past. Reason to stay or encounters that may change your destiny in subtle ways.

Distributie: Adina Maria Sandu, Adriana Bordeanu, Alexandra Băjan, Bogdan Untilă, Dan Miron

Barcelona Improv Group - Filters

When we are in flow with life, things move with ease, progress naturally, and fall into place. But we are human, we block ourselves and each other, unwittingly and unknowingly. In this show, Barcelona Improv Group will take the audience's points of view, prejudices, and philosophies as inspiration for improvised monologues and scenes. Every human experiences the same world, but perceives it differently, and those differences sometimes get in our way, giving us a challenge to flow past.

Distributie: Noah Levin, Ella Galt, Jeremie Day-Glider, Stephanie FigueiraBreak

Mixed Cast #4 - Be Water, My Friend! #4

This show is what happens when you put many improvisers from all over the world together and have them play a show. The only thing we know is that the show will "Be Water, My Friend!".

Project 2 - Project2: Improvised Science Fiction

Project2 (Chris Mead and Katy Schutte) create a science fiction story live on stage, with desolate alien planets, a dystopian future Earth, the world inside the veins of a human body, grotesque abominable creatures and everything in-between. The show is based on audience suggestions, touching on the familiar tropes of every science fiction film we have ever seen. Expect comedy, drama, beauty and human connection.

Distributie: Katy Schutte, Chris Mead

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